June 01, 2020

There will be no podcast on June 2, as we are muting our content this week to amplify voices that deserve to be heard. ⁠

In addition to no podcast, we will not be posting any new content on social media from June 1-7. ⁠

We are taking the time to listen, learn, and reflect. ⁠

For more information on the #amplifymelanatedvoices campaign, visit its creators Jessica Wilson (@jessicawilson.msrd) & Alisha McCullough (@blackandembodied).


  1. Vicki says:

    Where’s Helen and Caroline? It’s Monday, no podcast? That’s weird. It’s 3:45 am Tuesday, I can’t sleep anyway, let me check again, I hope everything is ok. ——Tears, tears, tears, I feel so understood and yes heard! You didn’t go on with your day as if nothing happened. Thank you for taking some of the weight that I feel. Black woman, Aurora Colorado

    1. Sarah says:

      Sending love to you, Vicki. This is a heavy load to carry. And thank you Helen and Caroline for pausing and listening, and encouraging your listeners to do the same. Love, Sarah, black woman in Scotland x

    2. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Vicki, thank you so much for your message! We stand with you in solidarity in fighting for justice. We are working to do better and will be releasing an action plan in the coming weeks. Please let us know if you have any suggestions on how we can do better. Thank you, Vicki!

    3. stacy wright says:

      hi vicki, I live in Erie CO i wanted to say since we both are listeners and live close to eachother 🙂 Makes me happy to know other sewists in colorado. hope you are well, Stacy

  2. I also wondered.
    I might not be black, I don’t live in the USA, but we all live with some kind of racism wherever it might be. We might not even realize it, but when you stop to listen, to pay attention, it’s quite obvious.
    Let’s indeed stop to listen, to see, to make a real difference.

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Thank you for your comment, Lília, and for standing with us in solidarity!

  3. Audrey says:

    When I realized there was no podcast, I knew you were taking a stand. Your message was what I expected from you both, even before I read this post. Thank you.

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Thank you for your comment, Audrey, and for standing with us in solidarity!

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