Helen & Caroline,

Episode 89: Feedback Fest 2

April 15, 2019

We share your feedback from the past 6 months in this semi-annual feedback fest! Hear inspiring stories from fellow listeners, get great sewing tips, and leave feeling inspired to get out there and sew something!

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  1. Carley says:

    Hello! I would like to listen to your episode of the Modern Sewciety podcast, but my podcatcher (Pocket Casts) only goes back to episode 161. Do we have to listen on the computer? Is there something I’m missing?


  2. Erin says:

    I got a big cutting mat at MIchael’s using one of their regular 50% off coupons. Much more reasonable cost wise.

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      That sounds like a great deal, Erin!

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