Helen & Caroline,
Sewing Skills,

Episode 58: Planning Projects

September 10, 2018

We dive into planning sewing projects and cover topics such as why you should plan, tools you can use to plan, and how to stick to the plan once you have it! Following through on sewing can be the hardest part of the process, and we want to help set you up for success.

      • Caroline’s planning board

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Follow Caroline! Shop: Blackbird Fabrics, Instagram: @blackbirdfabrics
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  1. Amy says:

    You mentioned something about THE HIVE MIND on INSTRAGRAM but I am having difficulty finding it. Can you help?

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Hi Amy! We were referring to ‘the hive mind’ as a general term for all the sewists on instagram. Asking the hive mind is like asking your sewing friends for advice. Sorry for the confusion!

  2. Pascaline says:

    Such a great talk again! I started saving photos of the patterns I want to use and keep them in a folder on my phone. I also take note of how much fabric I need, so when I find myself in a fabric shop I can buy with purpose. 😉

  3. Grace says:

    This episode could not have come at a better time! I just started sewing about a month ago and have struggled to keep all my ideas and inspiration straight. In knitting there is Ravelry which keeps everything neatly together for me, but I haven’t found anything quite like it for sewing. I started using Trello yesterday and I’m pretty sure the rest of my life is going to end up there as well.

    Thank you so much for putting together such well thought out content! I am learning something every day as I work through episodes during my commute to and from my day job.

    A quick request – As we head into fall, I was hoping you may touch on patterns that transition well between seasons.

    Thanks again!

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Thanks so much, Grace! We are so glad that you are enjoying the podcast and that you are learning new things. We will try to mention more patterns throughout the fall and winter eps!

  4. cmsewsclothes says:

    I’m completely enamored with Airtable as a sewing pattern, fabric, and project planning and tracking database tool. I think organizing my collections might be just as fun as sewing. Almost. 🙂

  5. equus_peduus says:

    Slowly catching up…

    I could swear at some point, I saw a post by Helen of her different Trello categories for a project flow (briefly mentioned within the episode: materials acquired, fabric washed, pattern prepped… ). I’m finally getting around to setting up Trello for organizing my fabric so I have a clue what I have, and would like something to help me with the project management too 🙂

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Hi! I believe the episode you’re thinking of is Episode 17: How Big is your Pattern Stash? Helen wrote a post on the Helen’s Closet blog at the same time called “How to Organize your Patterns Using Trello.” I hope this helps. Happy Organizing!

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