Helen & Caroline,

Episode 22: New Year’s Re-SEW-lutions

January 01, 2018

Sew DIY Printable Calendar
Free 2018 sewing calendar – photo courtesy of Sew DIY

We are talking about sewing resolutions this week on the podcast! What are some of our goals for the new year and how can we help each other stay accountable? Learn about sewing challenges to keep you motivated and get inspired to make your own re-SEW-lution.

We want to hear your thoughts! Help us shape the future of the podcast by taking the Love to Sew Podcast Survey! We really appreciate you taking the time to share.

Happy New Year!

  • Malcolm Gladwell’s 10,000 hours:

We want to hear your thoughts! Help us shape the future of the podcast by taking the Love to Sew Podcast Survey! We really appreciate you taking the time to share.

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Follow Caroline! Shop: Blackbird Fabrics, Instagram: @blackbirdfabrics
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  1. Kathleen Blackmur says:

    Hi Caroline and Helen!!! I’m listening to Episode 22 and love EVERY suggestion! Some reinforce habits I already have, and some are new to me and I’m anxious to incorporate into my sewing practice. Here’s a real time saver for me. Instead of prewashing EVERYTHING, I do the microwave prewashing trick. I cut a 4″ square of the fabric, thoroughly wet the square, lay it on a paper napkin, and cook it in the microwave for a couple of minutes. Then I can lay the “cooked” square on top of my template and check for shrinkage. Since I mostly hang dry my finished garments, I can go ahead and cut my garment with confidence if my square doesn’t show shrinkage :). This is really nice for knits that sew up more easily without prewashing. I have to give full credit to a Loes Hinse (a long time fave pattern designer available at http://www.casualelegancefabric.com)

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Hi Kathleen! This is so genius! Thanks for sharing that tip with us 🙂

  2. Kathleen says:

    Your podcast. “People are liking it?” Are you kidding me? People are LOVING it 🙂 People asking about you taking breaks is fear of abandonment and prepare for withdrawal talking. I second consistency.

    No problem with getting sponsors! I think it’s a great idea 🙂

    Have you heard about Lisa (And Sew On), Hattie and Athina’s challenge? It’s a great one – #Smyly2018 which stands for “sewing makes you love yourself challenge”. It’s rather lovely and two of them (Hattie and Athina) have uploaded videos on the challenge.

    Word of the year! I had that on my fb 🙂 My word for this year is FLOW – something I can easily achieve with sewing but I’d like to get there throughout more of my day doing other activities as well. In 2013 my word was MAGICAL and I had the most magical year ever. What I found is that it’s what I attracted to myself…good to keep in mind 🙂 So “grow” is brave!

    Congratulations to both of you on having had such a successful 2017 and I hope your 2018 is even better than you can imagine 🙂
    Love Kathleen

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Hi Kathleen!

      Lol! Well, people ARE liking it…a lot! We can understand the fear of abandonment thing, podcasts do tend to come and go and they are work to sustain. We are both loving it so much that its a no-brainer for us right now, so will keep on keeping on!

      We love the SMYLY challenge and have an episode about body positivity coming out soon to coincide with sharing that with everyone!

      FLOW is a great word choice. Going with the flow, getting in the flow, and just accepting the flow of life!

      We hope you have an amazing 2018 Kathleen!

  3. Paula L. says:

    Hey! Paula from Baaad Anna’s Yarn Store here and we are SO THRILLED to have you in our hood! One of my staff is a regular listener and although I don’t sew, this episode was FANTASTIC! Your analysis of goal-making and tips on keeping the many resolutions we make (or don’t) at this time of year was so well researched and presented, and the ideas you provide on how to succeed in the year ahead without excessive stress and worry were brilliant. Thank you; I look forward to meeting you in the month ahead while you open another maker goldmine in the world of knitting!

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Hi Paula!

      What a treat to read your comment! We are all signed up for the knitting class in february and we are both nervous and excited! Can’t wait to hang out at Baaad Annas with you all!

      Helen & Caroline

  4. Lynn says:

    Hi! I enjoyed listening to your latest podcast! I’d like to remind the younger sewists out there that another way to connect in your community is to join your local American Sewing Guild group. I know it took me a long time to decide to do that, but I did last year, and, yes, the women are all older than me and don’t sew the latest indie patterns (and don’t even know what that MEANS) and may not be into the latest style trends, BUT, there is probably a collective 1,000 hours of sewing that can be an incredible resource for you. Thanks for inspiring me to get back in the sewing studio!

    1. Lynn says:

      Oops! I meant to say 10,000 hours!

    2. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Hi Lynn!

      Great suggestion! It is always good to explore all the resources available to you and the guild sounds like a wonderful place to get help and information. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Emmalee says:

    Hi Helen!!! Hi Caroline!!!
    I am new to the sewing community and I am looking for more opportunities to meet other sewest and also learn. In this episode you mentioned a camp a couple times. Any way to get more info on this “camp”? Thank you so much for all you do!!!!! Finding your podcast saved me!!!

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Hi Emmalee! Yes absolutely – you can find out all about it on the Camp Workroom Social website. Be sure to sign up for their newsletter as camp sells out quickly! http://campworkroomsocial.com/

  6. Matti says:

    Trello is free! Oh, my word. I’ve created a log in and a sewing board and have included on card that’s just a list of everything in my brain that’s been nagging at me.

    Thank you for this idea!!

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      It’s our pleasure! So glad that we introduced you to the wonderful world of Trello!

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