
Episode 18: Fearless Making with Jasika Nicole

December 04, 2017

Jasika Nicole

Jasika Nicole joins us to chat about shoemaking, red carpet DIY, handmade beauty products and more. She’s a fearless maker who will try anything! Her approach to making is inspiring and her creative spirit is infectious.

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  • Note: the Etsy retailers Jasika Mentions in this episode are no longer selling blog bottoms. You can search for clog bottoms on Etsy to find sources for these!
  • Handmade by Carolyn’s Clogs

#sewphotohop day 7 Favorite Skill: Mine is patience. I used to think it wasn’t a skill, more of a personality quality that you either had or you didn’t, but I was wrong- patience can be developed, honed, and mastered to suit all sorts of needs. A few years ago I knitted the bodice of this lace dress almost to completion THREE TIMES before I got it right, but I refused to give up on it, not because I am a masochist or a perfectionist, but because there was no need to rush and I had nothing to prove. Slowing down and finding solace in the rhythm of repetition is one of my favorite things about making, and has been one of the sweetest ways in which my patience has been developed. (Details of this make are on my raverly page: HYMagic)

A post shared by Jasika Nicole (@jasikaistrycurious) on


Follow Jasika! Website: Try Curious Blog, Instagram: @jasikaistrycurious, Twitter: @TheJasikaNicole
Follow Helen! Blog: Helen’s Closet, Instagram: @helens__closet
Follow Caroline! Shop: Blackbird Fabrics, Instagram: @blackbirdfabrics
Follow the Podcast! Instagram: @lovetosew.podcast, Twitter: @lovetosewpod, Facebook: /LovetoSewPod
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  1. Awesome episode ladies! Great to hear from another LA sewist. I just wanted to say that I LOVE sewing roundups and am always looking for new ones! As a fairly new sewist, they are an endless source of inspiration to me!

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Thank you Erica! That is really nice to hear! Thanks for the encouragement.

  2. Carolyn says:

    I’m so glad I found you!! I love podcasts ; this was great fun to listen to, and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute. I have to admit I’ve just gone back and listened to “nearly” all of the episodes, and had to just pop back to leave you a comment and let you know how awesome this is and how much I am loving it… Jasika Nicole is great fun too and an amazing maker, and thank you for the mention of me too. I’m reeeeeally looking forward to listening to more of your episodes, the very next thing I’m doing is to go and count my patterns… !!
    And you both have the most lovely speaking voices too!

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Thanks so much Carolyn! We are glad you found us, too! We love your blog and all of your making is so inspiring. Can’t wait to hear how many patterns you have!!

  3. Sarah says:

    playing catch up took a little podcast break as I was addicted to an audio book, not enough ears.

    Love this episode! Jasika came across as friendly as she does on her Instagram! Thanks for chatting and keeping me sane whilst my toddler was doing his best to destroy me, you made this over tired ladies day!!

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Yay! So glad you enjoyed 🙂 Thanks for listening!

  4. glamaretto says:

    Hate to be a buzzkill, but there is a reason sunscreen is an over-the-counter drug in many countries, including Canada. Please use something that has been properly tested to ensure effective SPF: it will have an NPN (natural product number) or DIN (drug identification number) issued by Health Canada printed on the package. Skin cancer isn’t worth the risk. <3

  5. denise jackson says:

    Hello Caroline and Helen,

    This is my favorite episode so far! I loved all the laughing and found myself laughing along with you. I also watched and own every episode of Fringe and was so excited to learn more about Jasika Nicole. I love the podcast and just discovered it a couple of weeks ago. I started with episode one and have been listening to each episode in order. I look forward to listening when I’m in the car and when I walk my spoiled dog. Thank you so much for your hard work on the podcast.

    Denise Jackson

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Thank you so much, Denise! Glad you found us!

  6. Doli Simmonds says:

    So I just recently found the podcast and playing catch up. But this so far is my favorite episode. Im very very new to sewing and slowly learning, and making a hobby out of buying fabric itself 😂 looking forward to all the new experience you guys will bring to my new hobby

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Thank you for your comment, Doli! We are pleased to hear you are enjoying the podcast and your new hobby so far 🙂

  7. Amy says:

    That video is the most adorable thing ever

  8. Amy says:

    Also, I should add that I too have just discovered the podcast and am working my way through the backlog and it is all so wonderful! Thank you guys! Don’t ever stop! I’ve fallen in love very quickly with the sewing community and you guys do such a good job of connecting people to resources, skills, and all the excellent folk out there making stuff – Jasika is an instant follow xx

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Yay! We are so happy to have you as part of our community, Amy! Thank you for your support! ❤️

  9. Gina says:

    Anyone have the sunscreen recipe? It comes back error 404

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      It appears to no longer be on Jasika’s website! Sorry!

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