Helen & Caroline,
Sewing Skills,

Episode 170: Sewing Accessories

November 09, 2020

Photo Credit: Noodlehead 

We discuss the many exciting options for sewing your own accessories! From sewing bags to making your own shoes, we round-up some amazing project ideas and share our favourite me-made accessories too.

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Love to Sew episodes mentioned:

Helen and Caroline’s sewn accessories:

Caroline made bow ties and a belt for her nephew, niece, and cousin!

Caroline’s handmade market bags!


  • Make masks to match your handmade outfits!



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Bag Pattern Options:

Bag Sewing Supplies:


Scarves/bandanas Sewing Patterns

Ties, bowties Sewing Patterns and Supplies

Shoes, socks & slippers Sewing Patterns

Hair Accessories



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  1. Susan says:

    Thanks for reliably presenting a great podcast series. I have a question, though. When you mention or discuss an item in the podcast, does it mean that one of you has actually made the item? I love one of the patterns mentioned today but have read that there are errors/lack of clarity in the pattern or instructions. I’m still totally reliant on the accuracy of the pattern, which is why I recommend and rely on Helen’s Closet patterns so often. I consider your mention of an item as an endorsement of sorts, but wonder now whether I’m assuming too much.

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Susan, we do not have experience sewing every pattern we mention on the show! Some of our recommendations include things we want to sew, inspirations from others in the sewing community, and new pattern releases we are excited about! Thanks so much for your message and we hope this provides a bit more clarity for you here 🙂

  2. Joyce says:

    I listened to your podcast last night, I found a company right up the accessory isle a few years back…. ithinksew…all things bags and heaps of shoes from babies to adults. Worth a look

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Thanks so much for sharing, Joyce!!

  3. TC Ferrito says:

    A little late, but I’ve started listening while I ride my exercise bike. New Year’s resolution! I live in Buffalo- and you live in Canada- and I can’t believe you didn’t mention fleece socks! They are great inside your boots for winter outdoor activities, or for wearing on cold floors.
    My 2 favorite patterns are from Kwik Sew and Green Pepper, but there are many more. And they are a simple sew. Also I’ve started sewing with cork and made a wallet. Check out https://www.sewgnar.co/ She has great cork patterns and you can order precuts from her. And she has a cool name and logo.

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