
Episode 112: Full Coverage Fashion with Rumana Lasker

September 23, 2019

Rumana Lasker joins us to talk about full coverage fashion! From wearing the hijab to her most recent burkini make, we chat with Rumana about her modest sewing approach. Rumana also chats with us about the #sewincolour movement, with its focus on diversity and inclusion, and we also hear some behind-the-scenes details from Rumana’s experience on The Great British Sewing Bee! 

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  1. Nadia says:

    congratulations to this wonderful episode. There were so many intelligent things you discussed and that really gave me lots of things to think about e.g. not showing skin and hair makes creates the need to find your confidence from other sources. I have never thought about that!

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      We are so happy to hear you enjoyed it! We loved chatting with Rumana!

  2. Julia says:

    Thank you so much for interviewing Rumana! I started following her awhile ago, not because of the British Sewing Bee (which I don’t watch), but because I am also a short lady who prefers to be covered – particularly my legs. And it’s so funny how those of us who sew and know how to do alterations will still sometimes get stuck in the mindset of “oh, I couldn’t use that pattern because it doesn’t have X feature that I want;” it’s only been recently that I’ve even considered lengthening patterns that don’t have a midi or maxi option, and Rumana’s Cleo alteration was particularly inspiring. I suppose part of why I hadn’t considered adding length is because at 4’11” (150cm) tall, LENGTHENING is not something I usually have to do!

    Outstanding episode, and I loved the insightful questions you asked, as well as hearing Rumana’s answers. =)

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Julia, we are so happy to hear you enjoyed this episode! One of the best things about sewing our own clothes is that we have the ability to make the alterations we want so that the item is unique and our own. It’s so great to hear you were inspired by Rumana 🙂

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