Helen & Caroline,

Episode 1: Get to Know Helen and Caroline

August 21, 2017

Hi! It’s our first episode! Episode 1 is all about you getting to know us. We’re talking about how and when we learned to sew, why we love it so much, what we do every day, and how we met. Helen makes a big announcement about her business. Caroline tells the story behind the name of her online shop. We wrap up with a rapid-fire random question session – complete with lots of laughs and some embarrassing confessions.
Blackwood Cardigan
Caroline’s Hallowe’en Costumes:
Caroline’s Cat, Fraidy:
Follow Helen! Blog: Helen’s Closet, Instagram: @helens__closet
Follow Caroline! Shop: Blackbird Fabrics, Instagram: @blackbirdfabrics
Follow the Podcast! Instagram: @lovetosew.podcast, Twitter: @lovetosewpod, Facebook: /LovetoSewPod
Leave us a voicemail with your questions, comments, and feedback: 1-844-SEW-WHAT (1-844-739-9428)
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  1. Ilonka says:

    Just finished the first episode, and I love it!!!
    Keep it up

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Thank you so much!

  2. Linda (ACraftyScrivener) says:

    Lol! Love that you put a picture of kohlrabi in there 👍🏼😂

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Haha, yupp, had to include it! Helen has since had one and she thinks they are delicious!

  3. Atara says:

    Hi guys! Thanks for a great podcast!
    As a lonely sewist, this podcast looks like it will keep me great company as I sew. Can’t wait for more!
    PS…Fraidy in yiddish means “joy” 😊

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Hi Atara! Thanks so much for listening! We are honoured to keep you company while you sew. I love that Fraidy means joy in yiddish, thanks for sharing that! <3

  4. Wendy Brooks says:

    Great start! Loved hearing your stories about how you got started sewing, the indie sewing community, running a small business and of course FOOD! Looking forward to listening to more.

  5. Rochelle says:

    A thousand heartfelt thank you’s for the comments and kind words about me and my blog! I can’t tell you how much that makes me smile 🙂 🙂 🙂 It’s funny how I feel the exact same way about some other O.G.s who came before me. I love how the sewing community comes full circle like that.

    I thoroughly enjoyed listening to this episode. You ladies are so funny, inspiring, and you have a really excellent charisma that other podcasts lack. A perfect duo! Congratulations on the launch and I’m looking forward to future episodes 🙂

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Thanks for listening, Rochelle! We are so happy to hear that you enjoyed it! The sewing community definitely comes full circle and new people are joining everyday! We love it 🙂

  6. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

    Thanks to everyone for listening!

  7. Barb says:

    Oh my goodness, I just stumbled upon your podcast today and I LOVE it! I’m halfway through the first one but had to let you know how much I enjoy listening. Please keep it up! You two ladies are inspiring me to get back into my sewing. I, too, started sewing when I was about 9 years old … that was 50 years ago! PS I live in Victoria so it’s fun to listen to someone from Vancouver.

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Hi Barb! Thanks so much! We love having fellow BC listeners! It is great to hear that you are feeling inspired to get back into sewing – do it! You wont regret it 🙂

  8. Dianne Christine Crabbe says:

    Hey Ladies – congratulations on the new podcast. I am enjoying listening to episode 1 while making pumpkin soup and sewing my first blackwood cardigan. Just wanted to share a song for you Helen as you have a song :)- “Happy Birthday Helen” by Things of Stone and Wood. https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiOoaCc0oXWAhWKNpQKHb18BzAQyCkIKzAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Da96RZURNtII&usg=AFQjCNEU9VLgZBnlfr-tqkdXpi9HloFy3w. Looking forward to listening to more episodes.

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      That song is AH-MAZING!! Thank you! <3

  9. jbsews says:

    New listener! love it!

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Thank you!!

  10. Lucy Baker says:

    This is the first podcast I’ve ever, ever listened to! Great to find you guys and am really looking forward to hearing the rest of them. As I’ve only just discovered you, I think I get to do a Netflix-stylee binge-listen and hear them all in a week or something!
    From Lucy in England. x

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Hi Lucy! So glad you discovered us. Enjoy the binge – we’re thrilled that you are liking the podcast. 🙂

  11. Amanda Thorpe says:

    Hi from the UK, I just discovered your podcast today and you will now be my regular companions in my craft room 😊

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Hi Amanda! Thanks for listening!

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