Helen & Caroline,
Sewing Skills,

Episode 96: Rubbing off Ready-To-Wear

June 03, 2019
Recreate your favourite ready-to-wear garments! We break down different methods and provide tons of great resources that will help you replace your store-bought with me-mades. Plus, we answer your sewing questions and reveal some exciting podcast news!

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  1. johanna rosenfield says:

    Dear Helen and Caroline,
    I love your podcast! Thank you for making it! You have the most beautiful voices!
    I have a question – I have been working on making some mid length summer dresses which require a longer piece of fabric. …and I don’t have a big table to cut on . I am wondering how other people handle the task.
    I like to work on the floor. But I have neck problems and my neck and back don’t like that. 😞 I end up with a neck ache.
    So far I am Trying to cut in sections when possible and parse our the parts of the pattern and cut the fabric into smaller sections. On my table ….it’s all very awkward! 🤔 I wish I could magically have a grand studio space and just spread the whole fabric on a ten foot table!
    That’s my dream, but not my reality.

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Thanks for your comment, Johanna! A recommendation here is to see if there are any open sewing spaces in your area. Typically these spaces have both sewing machines and properly sized cutting tables. This approach will save you money from not buying a new table, and will also save your neck and back from pain. We hope this helps, and thanks so much for listening to the podcast!

  2. Shonnie says:

    Remember your long floral linen dress from last August? Just a nudge to remind you that your fans would love the pattern! Please?

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Thank you for your message, Shonnie! We will do our best to see if we can hunt this down. We appreciate you listening to the podcast!

  3. Arielle says:

    Hi there! Coming out of nowhere with a question about this episode! I think you mentioned an instagram account that pairs current RTW garments with patterns (from big 4 to indie to vintage). Do you remember what that account is? Thanks so much! Loving the podcast and working my way through the archive. 🙂

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