Helen & Caroline,
Sewing Skills,

Episode 71: Sewing Coats

December 10, 2018

Brrrrrr! It’s cold in here! We discuss everything you need to know about sewing a coat, from beginner tips to advanced tailoring techniques. Learn the difference between wool coating fabrics and how to mentally prepare for a big project like a coat.

  • Pepper in her sweater!

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  1. Carol says:

    My favorite trick when sewing a coat is to buy one (or two) of the $3.99 fleece throws from Ikea and use that to make the muslin. I have also used felt. A much closer test than using muslin.

  2. Lise says:

    Hi there,
    lovely episode with lots of good information as usual. But I’d like to add that saying that wools don’t fray is just not true. Wool coatings generally don’t fray at all or not much because as you said, they are felted. However, other weaves in 100% wool can fray like crazy, e.g. wool suiting or any loosely woven wool like wool gauze. In fact, the worst fabrics in regards to fraying that I have sewn were all wools but that is because I love making and wearing it so much.
    Keep up the good work!

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