
Episode 65: Sew Confident with Marcy Harriell

October 29, 2018

Marcy Harriell (aka Oonaballoona) talks with us about finding confidence through sewing, embracing her amazing personal style, and blending her passions for acting and sewing in her new series on Bluprint. We discuss shopping the garment district in NYC, whether Marcy ever wears ‘basics’, and her recently-acquired title of ‘the patron saint of Frosting’.

  • Rob Harriell


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Rob & Al Green giving you Friday-Weekend-L-o-v-e-LOVE ❤️🕺🏼😁#boogie😂

A post shared by Marcy Harriell | oonaballoona (@marcyharriell) on

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One comment

  1. Pamela Shadle Flores says:

    I absolutely adore y’all’s podcast and Marcy/Oona is the bomb. I was heartened to hear her comments regarding the wearing of wax prints. I think they are stunning, but have told myself that it would be cultural appropriation for this middle-aged white woman from Texas to wear them. Maybe, maybe I will re-examine that idea.

    Thank you again so much for everything, and can you tell us the best way to send you a picture?

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