Helen & Caroline,

Episode 40: Our Very Special Mothers

May 07, 2018

Our mothers join us on the show for this very special episode! We chat about what we were like as kids, the history of sewing in our families, and what our moms think of the sewing community today. These women helped shape who we are and we are so excited to introduce them to you!

  • Caroline as Jasmine and Anthony as a Power Ranger for Hallowe’en:

  • Caroline working on her grad project:

  • Silvana helps Caroline with her business, like the cone mills denim pre-order:

  • A handmade outfit that Wendy made:

  • A quilt that Wendy made:

  • McCalls kids Hallowe’en pattern:

  • Helen and her dad on Hallowe’en:


Follow Helen! Blog: Helen’s Closet, Instagram: @helens__closet
Follow Caroline! Shop: Blackbird Fabrics, Instagram: @blackbirdfabrics
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  1. So nice to meet your moms! This episode was lovely! Congratulations to you Helen and Sam for taking this next step in your business 🙂 I use Fisgars pinking shears for arthritic hands and they are the best 🙂 even if you don’t have arthritis they are so much easier to use.

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Thanks Kathleen! Sam and I are settling in this week and really loving it 🙂

  2. Rhonda Ziman says:

    I love your moms! I think I will listen to this episode more times, its inspiring, comforting, and full of love. and happiness!

  3. Betsy says:

    I have listened to this episode many times, because I am so inspired by Wendy’s outlook and retirement strategy. I, too, have had two careers, one in microbiology and one in education. Computer science, no less, in which I worked 13 and 32 years respectively. I sewed all of my clothes in college, but let that lapse until recently, when I decided that color, uniqueness, and fit were the way to look good in my sixties. Now I have only four more school days before I retire, and I tell everyone that my plan for retirement is do accomplish three things each day: exercise, create, and socialize. Of course, I do all of these nearly every day when I am at school, but I feel like this podcast came into my life just when I needed it most. Wendy pointed out how to distill those daily needs down to a manageable trilogy. Thank you, Wendy, and thank you Helen and Caroline for the knowledge, fun, and inspiration that come from your podcasts.

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Thanks, Betsy! So glad you enjoyed the episode 🙂

  4. Brooke says:

    This is by far my most favourite episode yet ladies! Both of your mums (and yourselves really) are just amazing people who have lived such thoughtful lives. I love hearing from older women (I’m in my 30’s) about their lives, their families, their sewing, their trials and their successes in order to learn and be inspired myself. We really should celebrate and hear from older people in our society more often (not just within the sewing world). Keep up the good work!

  5. Heidi Q says:

    C&H: I loved this episode with your mums! They are remarkable women, as are you! This episode was bitter-sweet, since my mom is no longer on this earth, and I’d love to be able to talk to her about my sewing journey, and her part in it.
    On another note, I love the way I can just type “love” in my address bar, and you pop up! – because you two are so full of love and joy. Thank you for what you’re doing!

  6. Anne Marie Draganowski says:

    What a great episode! It’s neat to hear your mothers’ stories and reminiscences, plus their pieces of wisdom. Wendy’s three things she tries to do each day in retirement (around minute 43) MUST be heard for every person, not just in retirement! Thank you for another great listen, L2S podcast!

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