Helen & Caroline,

Episode 143: Menswear Style with Norris Dánta Ford

April 27, 2020

Norris Dánta Ford joins us to chat about menswear style! Norris chats about why fashion is important to him, and how we can be bolder with our styling choices. He shares styling resources, styling inspiration, and the many projects he is working on in the sewing community and beyond!

Follow Norris:

Love to Sew episodes mentioned:

Mimi G Style Simplicity menswear patterns designed by Norris:

Unisex Simplicity Patterns under Mimi G Style:

He Sewed She Sewed – Bluprint Original Series with Mimi G and Norris Dánta Ford!

Where Norris goes for fashion inspiration:


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McCalls 7206 (men’s short sleeve bowling shirt -discontinued pattern)

Hashtag to follow:

Mimi G’s podcast – Business S.H.E.T 

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  1. Brendan says:

    It was so nice to hear Norris’ thoughts about sewing men’s style. He seems fearless! Really appreciate his contributions to the community too, especially through his detailed sew-a-longs on YouTube! As a novice trying to figure out how to use my machine and collect patterns, it is challenging to find resources that seem relevant. However, I think it’s important to note for other beginning male sewists that any information is good information. Especially for men, I think it’s good to remind yourself not to get so caught up on what’s distinctly masculine or feminine as there’s so much to learn from the highly skilled ladies in your life. Once you open yourself up to the larger sewing community and apply the skills you see in women’s garments through sew-a-longs or blog posts, you will gain an understanding of the basics of sewing and construction. That being said, for any established sewists out there specifically making men’s clothing or clothing for male-identifying people who are interested in creating tutorials, there are lots of us chomping at the bit to have a video/photo/multimedia sew-a-long for the limited patterns available for us out there. Hint hint! 😉 Beyond patterns, more tutorials about fitting would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again Caroline and Helen for highlighting more resources and patterns. Every bit adds to our sewing tuition and making us better sewists!

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Brendan, thanks so much for this great feedback! Yes, we totally agree, and there is a gap in the market there. Thank you so much for listening and supporting the show!

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