Helen & Caroline,
Sewing Skills,

Episode 134: Sewing with Delicate Fabrics

February 24, 2020

Let’s get fancy and chat about delicate fabrics! We discuss different kinds of delicate fabrics, and the tools and tips you need to succeed in working with fine fabrics. You will be sewing up your silks and chiffons in no time!

This episode is sponsored by The Sewing Workshop! Love to Sew listeners can get 25%-off patterns and fabrics by going to www.SewingWorkshop.com and using discount code LOVETOSEW at checkout. Some exclusions apply.

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Love to Sew episode mentions:

Batik Suki Robe!

Helen’s 1966 Sears Kenmore machine:

Caroline’s Bernina 530:

Resources mentioned:

Fabric stabilizers mentioned:

Sewing with delicate fabrics tools:

Delicate fabrics inspo!


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Sewing patterns mentioned in this episode (great pattern options for delicate fabrics!):

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  1. Amy says:

    Hi Helen and Caroline! This podcast is an absolute delight 🙂 I have a question about seam finishes. I’ve finished making a dress using a very slinky, silky rayon type fabric, and I finished the seams using a simple straight stitch (I’m still a beginner and was trying to keep it simple). But now that it’s done I can see it’s unravelling like CRAZY, to the point where I don’t even want to wear it for fear of scraggly threads peeking out and betraying me. What can you do in this situation, post-completion? Unpick where possible and finish a different way? Some sort of anti-fray product? Pinking shears? I’m having the same problem with another dress I finished with straight stitch (starting to learn my lesson?) in a cotton lawn (I think) – the seams are unravelling so fast they’re threatening to carry on past the stitching, and I’m terrified my dress will eventually disappear…any ideas?

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Amy, thanks so much for your message! So sorry to hear about your dress fraying issues! Seamwork has a really great article on a number of different tips you can use to keep your seams from fraying which we will link below. As we mentioned in this episode, french seams are a great, strong option for a seam finish for delicate fabrics. You can also incorporate stay stitching and fray check (as mentioned in the Seamwork article) if you are looking for a little more stability! We hope this helps! https://www.seamwork.com/issues/2016/02/a-delicate-matter

  2. Barbara Van Der Marel says:

    Hi Helen & Caroline,
    Are fabric stabilizers and spray starch the same?
    Kind regards, Barbara

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Barbara, thanks so much for your message!Spray starch is typically used as part of the ironing process, which helps us to get crisp, clean press – great for collars and cuffs! Though it is great in the pressing process, it often isn’t stiff enough, like what you would achieve with a fabric stabilizer. So the two are different – stabilizer being used to support and reinforce the fabric itself, and spray starch is used when pressing to get a crisp look! We hope this helps 🙂 Here is a helpful article on the different types of stabilizers out there: https://www.threadsmagazine.com/2008/11/03/making-sense-of-stabilizers#stabilizers%20by%20mail

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