
Episode 120: The Mindful Wardrobe Project with Meg McElwee

November 18, 2019
Meg McElwee joins us to chat about how we can mindfully sew our wardrobes as a form of self-care. Meg chats all about the early days of Sew Liberated Patterns and her recent course release of The Mindful Wardrobe Project!

This episode is sponsored by Skillshare! Love to Sew listeners can get 2 months of unlimited access for free at Thanks, Skillshare!

Sew Liberated: Mindful Wardrobe Project from Big Dog Little Bed Productions on Vimeo


Meg’s ‘power pieces’ include her big, chunky silver rings:
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  1. Katherine Escandon says:

    I love, love, love, this episode! Actually, I truly love every episode! I’m so happy to have found you as you’ve inspired me to pull out my sewing machine again and get sewing. Love what you do and really appreciate the recommendations and the variety of your podcasts. Keep up the great work ladies!
    Katherine from El Paso, Texas

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      Thank you so much for your positive feedback, Katherine! We really appreciate it 🙂 We are happy to hear you enjoyed this episode with Meg!

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