Helen & Caroline,

Episode 10: A Very Special Q&A Episode

October 09, 2017

In our first Very Special Episode, we’re answering your questions. We chat about fabric, fitting solo, favourite tools, TNT patterns, sewing machines, and much more. We also reflect on podcasting for ten episodes, and how we make it work with our full-time jobs!

  • Caroline’s denim Lander Pants:

Follow Helen! Blog: Helen’s Closet, Instagram: @helens__closet
Follow Caroline! Shop: Blackbird Fabrics, Instagram: @blackbirdfabrics
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  1. Kathleen says:

    Another delicious podcast you 2! Nothing I enjoy more than sitting down with a cup of tea and listening to you both 🙂 My ONLY pet peeve came in one of the questions asked (neither of you used it), “What is the rule of thumb…” Have you noticed how MUCH this expression is making its way once again into the mainstream language use (media especially is re-embracing it which is probably where it’s filtering into the mainstream from) The RULE OF THUMB comes from an old English law which was a measurement the width of a man’s thumb which represented the allowable width a switch was permitted to be to beat your wife with. Yes. Disgusting. It disappeared from the mainstream language for more than 30 years when it’s origins were identified by feminists years ago but I’m noticing it’s insidious return lately. When I hear a woman using it it sets my teeth on edge especially. Whenever I hear it on public media I’m on their site immediately to complain 🙂

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      OMG Kathleen! Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention! We had no idea that was the origin of this saying – how horrible! We will certainly try not to use this saying anymore and hopefully we can help spread the word about this! Always appreciate your feedback!

  2. Floral Mae says:

    I love the episodes where you two just talk! Just a note.. Here in the US, it is traditional to have a Christmas ham, so we’re not actually having turkey one month apart. 😉

    1. Helen Wilkinson & Caroline Somos says:

      That makes so much sense, lol! Thanks for letting us know 🙂

  3. Sarah Lewtas C says:

    Hi gals, enjoyed this one. Thanks for the tip about using fray check on button holes. Also I listen to you while I sew because it feels like we are sewcializing, having a sewing meet up, etc. Thanks! Sarah in WA

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