These are the show notes for Mini-Episode 58: Grading, Trimming, and Notching, Oh My! Subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts or Patreon to listen to this and all of our bonus and mini-episodes.
This month’s bonus episode is about bread-and-butter sewing techniques that reduce bulk. We review the basics of grading, trimming, and notching, plus some more advanced and unexpected techniques that will give you a great finish. Caroline and Helen learn a lot about each other in this episode…👀 Let us know: do you trim your seams every time, or only when the pattern instructs you to?
Show Notes:
- “10 Tips – How to Trim, Grade & Clip Seams” by Sew Essential
- “Nerdy Sewing Tips: Trimming, Grading, and Reducing Bulk at your Seams” by Elisalex de Castro Peake on the By Hand London blog
- “How to Grade Seams: Trimming vs Grading” at Heather Handmade
- “How to Make a Perfect Point” by David Page Coffin at Seamwork
- Duckbill Scissors
- Episode 91: Shirtmaking with David Page Coffin
- Serger Tweezers
- Hemostat