Mini-Episode 23: Strong Seams

In this month’s mini-episode, we share strategies for getting your strongest seams possible. 💪🧵 This episode was inspired by patron Gigi’s question:

I have some very specific questions about sewing for my quadriplegic son. I’m having trouble getting his seams really strong. Due to tugging and arranging his shorts. B  We use a nylon spandex and have sewn in elastic “handles” for him to use to arrange his shorts. All his seams keep ripping 😕. I’m serging plus sewing double seams. I know this is an unusual situation, so I completely understand if you don’t have time to address this. I love you guys so much! Thank you for all the hints and joy that you bring to the show ❤️

Thanks for this great question, Gigi!

Show Notes:

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